About the Photographer

Owner and Photographer
Tedi McVea, native of Humboldt County, California, is rarely seen at any occasion without her camera. As a child, Ms. McVea, with little fingers, would treasure hunt through troves of old family photos on her parents’ closet floor.  In middle school, her Christmas present from her mother was the development of over 20 rolls of film that Ms. McVea had taken throughout the year.  As an adult, Ms. McVea founded Tedeye Photography with the goal of sharing her love of photos and photography with the community around her. Professional works include publications with community presses, such as The Southside Reporter in Texas and Mckinleyville Press in California. Ms. McVea's photos can be found on small business websites and works include travel photography and event photography. Some favorite experiences include capturing the daily life of a small, native Huichol village in the Sierra Madres of Mexico; and creating a recruitment poster exhibit featured at Our Lady of the Lake University. Ms. McVea currently plans to shoot new and growing families in San Antonio, Texas. Her method includes shooting families at a variety of outdoor locations allowing their natural interactions to reveal the beauty of life, loyalty and love.   

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